Saturday, September 1, 2007

Autumn Scheduling Details...and other important information

Autumn is my favorite (and my busiest) time of year for family sessions. The light is so pretty and the fall foliage colors are just gorgeous. This year I will be out of the country for most of October, so if you are wanting to schedule a session with autumn colors in it, don't wait as I will only be able to book a limited number of sessions. I will be gone (without email or phone) from October 4th-October 23rd. If your session is scheduled in the week before I leave, I will not be able to get your proofs back to you until around Halloween. Feel free to email me any inquiries you might have while I am gone, and I will answer all emails on the 24th or 25th. Thanks so much for your patience! =)

Also, I know it's only September 1st, but in light of my shorter-than-usual fall booking schedule, I think I should also bring up deadlines for Christmas photos. If you are wanting photos for holiday cards, the latest your session can be booked is November 7th and your order placed by Noverber 21st so that your items will arive in plenty of time for you to address them and mail them out. If you are wanting photos for Christmas gifts, your session needs to be scheduled no later than November 11th and your order placed by November 28th to ensure enough time for delivery before Christmas. I will still be available for sessions after these dates, but cannot guarantee Christmas delivery on orders placed after the 28th of November.

One more thing! =) I want to say thank you to everyone who has trusted in my abilities during my first year of business. I've learned a lot and am so thankful to you all for letting me share time with your families. I look forward to working with you in the future! God bless! =)

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