Thursday, December 31, 2009

Taking a year off.......

Hi everyone!

Gosh, it has been a looooong time since I've updated and SO MUCH has occurred!

First of all, we are expecting!!! I am about 24 weeks pregnant and we are pretty sure we'll be adding a new little girl to the family sometime in April. I was very ill during the first trimester, so if you tried to contact me during that time and I didn't get back to you, I deeply apologize. My brain was not functioning properly those first few months as all I could seem to focus on was the constant nausea and vomiting. So glad that's over! :)

Second, I have decided to take the year of 2010 off in order to be at home with my new little one, and also to have time to pursue a few personal projects that have been on my heart for a while now. Hopefully by 2011 I will be rip-roaring and ready to go again with Barefoot Photography.

Thanks so much for understanding and I wish everyone the best 2010 possible!

May God richly bless you in knowledge of and nearness to Him this year!
